A recent study conducted by Google ChromeOS and ScreenCloud sheds light on a critical aspect often overlooked in digital signage deployment: the involvement of IT departments.

The research highlights that neglecting IT involvement from the outset of deployment can result in ongoing operational challenges, impacting the effectiveness and integration capabilities of digital signage solutions. Despite the essential role of IT departments, particularly in enterprises with deskless workforces, they are often underrepresented in the initial stages of digital signage adoption.

Opportunities for IT Involvement

The study, drawing insights from 2,400 decision-makers and employees across manufacturing, logistics, transportation, and supply chain sectors, reveals that a mere 20% of companies had their IT departments initiating the adoption of digital signage. This indicates that other departments are more likely to lead procurement efforts for the necessary hardware and software.

However, the research underscores the crucial role of IT expertise post-implementation. IT leaders and digital transformation leads are sought after when devising screen strategies to maximise the impact of digital signage. Despite typically joining the process at later stages, there’s an opportunity for IT professionals to champion digital signage initiatives from the outset, ensuring its effectiveness as a strategic asset enhancing worker engagement and fostering a sense of belonging.

Challenges and Opportunities

Post-implementation, organisations encounter significant integration challenges, with 25% of respondents highlighting ongoing issues integrating digital signage with existing systems. Mark McDermott, CEO of ScreenCloud, stresses the pivotal role of IT in successful deployment and operation, emphasising the need for early and comprehensive IT involvement to maximise the value of digital signage investments.

ScreenCloud’s research serves as a crucial reminder for tech decision-makers to incorporate IT expertise from the project’s inception. By doing so, businesses can enhance the effectiveness of their technology deployments and achieve seamless technological integration within their operational ecosystem.