Andrew Sperring, a distinguished business coach and founder of ActionCOACH Bristol, emphasised the need for inclusivity in business during a recent gathering at 10 Downing Street.

Invited by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on 1st February, Andrew joined a select group of small business leaders to discuss critical aspects of scaling successful businesses in the UK.

The event, hosted by Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury Gareth Davies MP and Prime Minister’s Special Adviser on Business and Investment Franck Petitgas, featured a roundtable discussion on financial accessibility for growing enterprises. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak led the panel, which included three exemplary founders sharing insights into scaling their operations from local to global prominence.

Andrew Sperring, who has dyslexia and ADHD, highlighted the challenges within the education system during the discussions. He stressed the importance of making work accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds, citing his own experience of finding his own way of learning outside the traditional education system.

Entrepreneurial Passion and Ambition

Reflecting on the event, Andrew noted the common threads among the panel and attending entrepreneurs – passion and ambition to make a difference. The discussions centred on the hurdles faced by SMEs, particularly in areas like funding, growth, and sustainable success. The imperative role of a unified vision and a mission fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce emerged as a key theme.

Andrew Sperring continued, expressing his commitment to contributing to the conversation about nurturing SMEs, which make up 99.2% of the UK’s business population. Having won the UK’s No.1 Business Mentor for the Biggest Impact to SMEs at the National Mentoring Matters Awards 2023, Andrew shared his insights into the challenges faced by SME owners and the importance of creating an inclusive environment.

Promoting Inclusivity for Collective Success

Joined by fellow entrepreneurs Keisha Shah of Teddo Play, Holly Thallon Steenson of Viridian Nutrition, Mark Thompson of AceOn Group, and Daniel Woolfe from Enterprise Nation, Andrew Sperring highlighted the significance of leaders and teams making work accessible to people from all backgrounds. By doing so, he believes businesses can leverage diverse talents, fostering collective and individual success and, in turn, contributing to the strength of the UK economy.

ActionCOACH, under Andrew Sperring’s leadership, is dedicated to creating an environment where businesses overcome challenges and seize opportunities for success. As the UK continues to see a growing number of private sector businesses, exceeding 5.6 million in 2024, Andrew’s commitment is to drive substantial progress and unlock the vast potential within Britain’s entrepreneurial community.