In the face of a rapidly evolving job market, businesses are grappling with significant challenges in upskilling and retaining their workforce. Research from CYPHER Learning, a provider of modern learning platforms, indicates a growing concern among HR and business leaders regarding their capacity to meet these demands. With a projected impact on a quarter of jobs by what is termed a ‘new era of turbulence’, the need for effective learning and development (L&D) strategies has become more critical than ever.

CYPHER Learning’s report, titled “Generative AI in 2024: A potential lifeline amid workplace turbulence,” presents insights from an independent survey of 400 HR and business leaders from the U.S. and U.K. It highlights a significant gap in L&D resources, with 76% of respondents admitting to struggles in developing training courses with current resources. Moreover, 65% acknowledge the importance of upskilling employees to address skill gaps but lack the time to develop pertinent courses.


The Role of Generative AI in Training and Development

As the demand for more comprehensive upskilling intensifies, many organizations are turning to generative AI to enhance the effectiveness of their training programs. Despite this interest, CYPHER Learning’s study reveals several barriers hindering the adoption of AI technologies. The survey results show a mixed response towards generative AI:

  • 86% of HR and business leaders use generative AI in their roles or have team members who do.
  • 44% express concerns about data security and the accuracy of AI-generated content, and 52% are apprehensive about AI replacing their jobs.
  • 69% believe AI could simplify their roles but lack the necessary knowledge to maximize its benefits, with 57% uncertain about how AI could positively impact their work.

Graham Glass, CEO and Co-founder of CYPHER Learning, emphasizes the shifting dynamics of the global workforce and the pressing need for robust L&D courses to keep pace with upskilling demands. He highlights the importance of addressing concerns about AI in the workplace and adopting a balanced approach to integrating generative AI into L&D strategies.


Overcoming Barriers to AI Adoption in the Workplace

The research underscores the prominence of generative AI in discussions around L&D and HR, pointing to the necessity for solutions that lower barriers to AI adoption. Current uses of AI by HR and business leaders include:

  • Creating more engaging professional development courses (53%).
  • Developing assessments for evaluating learner progress (53%).
  • Saving time in course creation (54%).

A significant portion of leaders (77%) would use AI more extensively if they could verify the information’s authenticity. Additionally, 87% agree that if generative AI were more accessible, such as being incorporated into commercial tools, they would be more inclined to use it.

Glass asserts that generative AI is enhancing L&D, helping organizations meet evolving skills requirements efficiently. He advocates for the adoption of commercial solutions with AI validators, enabling businesses and L&D teams to use AI easily and securely.


CYPHER Learning’s Innovative AI-Powered Solutions

In response to these challenges, CYPHER Learning has introduced AI 360 with CYPHER Copilot, an all-encompassing suite of content creation and delivery tools powered by generative AI. This initiative builds upon the success of the CYPHER Copilot course-builder assistant. AI 360 with CYPHER Copilot represents the world’s first unified solution for content development and delivery, leveraging advanced AI capabilities to establish a new standard in efficient, personalized learning.

Read CYPHER Learning’s research report, Generative AI in 2024: A potential lifeline amid workplace turbulence.